Date Published
Publication Details
Paris: Rivages, 1993.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the first French edition of The Great Taos Bank Robbery and Other Indian Country Affairs. This 1993 edition was published by Rivages/Noir in Paris France. Tony Hillerman's original English text was translated into French by Danièle and Pierre Bondil. The cover art features a tinted photograph of a Navajo police vehicle which was taken by Pierre Bondil.
- Title Page Transcription:
Tony Hillerman | Le Grand Vol | de la | banque de Taos | Traduit de l'américain | par Danièle et Pierre Bondil | Collection | dirigée par Franҫois Guérif | riaves/noir - Contents:
[1-2] blank, [3] half title Le Grand Vol de la banque de Taos, [4] copyright and publisher's imprint, [5] title page, [6] Also by Tony Hillerman for Rivages, [7] dedication, [8] Acknowledgments, 9-[203] text, [204] blank, [205] Table of Contents, [206] blank, [207-211] Rivaves Novels, [212] blank, [213] colophon,[214-216] blank - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Hardback, 16.8 x 11 cm.
- Binding: Full-colored paper covers with title, author, and publisher printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [1-8] 9-[203] [204-216]
- Price: No Price Indicated