The Boy Who Made Dragonfly [UNM Press, paperback, 1986]



Date Published
Publication Details

Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1986.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the new illustrated edition of The Boy Who Made Dragonfly, which is the retelling of a Zuni myth. This 1986 edition was published by The University of New Mexico Press in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The illustrations in the book are by Janet Grado.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    The Boy | Who Made | Dragonfly | A Zuni Myth retold by | Tony Hillerman | Illustrated by Janet Grado | University of New Mexico Press | Albuquerque
  • Contents:
    [i] half title The Boy Who Made Dragonfly, [ii] illustration of a boy holding a dragonfly, [iii] title page, [iv] copyright, [v] dedication, [vi] blank, [1] half title, [2] blank, 3-81text, [82] blank
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 20.3 x 13.9 cm.
    • Binding: Full-colored pasteboard covers with the author, title, and publisher printed in black vertically on the spine.
    • Collation: [i-vi] [1-2] 3-81 [82]
    • Price: No Price Listed
Hieb, 1990: A3b