Browse by Title: L


A durable and inexpensive type of flooring that was invented in the nineteenth century and became quite popular in the U.S. in the 1950s and onward. Linoleum floor…


In architecture, a lintel refers to the horizontal stone slab or wooden beam that is placed on top of the two vertical supports of a door, an entryway, or a gate. A…


Among the Navajo, a listener is one of three different types of diagnosticians who may be consulted to determine the cause of a indivudual's illness and recommend the…


A long, repetitive prayer or chant. The term is used colloquially to refer to a list or series of items, especially when spoken out loud in a monotonous, tedious manner…

Little Black Spot Mountain, Arizona

Little Black Spot Mountain (also known as Little Black Spot Mesa), is the peak of a mesa coming off of the larger Black Mesa in the Navajo Nation, Arizona. The mountain…

Little Colorado River, Arizona

A tributary of the Colorado River, the Little Colorado is the main drainage pathway of the Painted Desert area in northeastern Arizona. The river flows northwest from…

Little Fire God

Also known as Shulawitsi or Deputy to the Sun, Little Fire God is one of the titles for the role a young Zuni man performs when participating in the Shalako ceremony,…

Littlewater Trading Post, New Mexico

Littlewater translates to Tó ‘Áłts’íísí in Navajo. Littlewater is a small tribal chapter of the Navajo Nation location near Crownpoint, New Mexico. The Navajo Nation…

Littlewater, New Mexico

Littlewater translates to Tó ‘Áłts’íísí in Navajo. Littlewater is a small tribal chapter of the Navajo Nation location near Crownpoint, New Mexico. The Navajo Nation…


There are approximately 6,000 species of lizard, a diverse group of reptiles which are classified as part of the subgroup "lacertilia," distinguishing them as relatives…

loading dock

A raised area located at the rear of some businesses and institutional buildings such as stores, factories, schools, or hospitals. Loading docks give service trucks…


A quality of richness in soil that has nearly equal amounts of clay, silt, and sand with humus, an organic substance consisting of decayed plat materials. Humus is…


A small, portable safe that has a lock, used for securing valuable objects such as important documents, money, or jewelry against theft or fire damage.

loin cloth

A loin cloth, more commonly spelled loincloth, is a piece of clothing, often rectangular, that is placed around the hips and tied with a band to cover the groin.…

Lomas Boulevard, Albuquerque, New Mexico

One of the older, major streets in Albuquerque, NM. The name Lomas means "hills" in Spanish, and is fitting with the street's route, which runs from Old Town in the…

Long Walk

The name given to the traumatic experience of 8,000 Navajo in 1863 when Kit Carson and the New Mexico Volunteers forced the People to leave their traditional homeland…

long-barreled pistol

A single-action pistol whose barrel measures 10 inches or longer. Because the barrel of this pistol far exceeds the normal pistol barrel length of four inches, the…

long-barreled rifle

One of the first firearms to be used in warfare, the long-barreled rifle is characterized by its extended barrel, and is an early example of modern rifling technology…

long-horn bison

Also spelled longhorn, the long-horn bison was a large mammal that went extinct toward the end of the Pleistocene epoch, either because of climate change, human…


This ancient, mechanical device, found throughout the world in almost every culture, enables the user to produce various textiles by enabling the interweaving of…

Lord Peyote

Peyote, a hallucinogenic cactus that grows primarily in Texas and Mexico, is a sacramental substance used in ceremonies conducted by the Native American Church, a…

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Los Alamos is a town in New Mexico made up of the townsite of Los Alamos proper and the smaller community of White Rock. The town is built atop four mesas and White…

Los Angeles County Road Maintenance Department, California

A public works department, the road maintenance department is responsible for the repair and upkeep of all county roads.

Los Angeles, California

A large culturally and racially diverse city located in southern California. Los Angeles is the second most populated city in the U.S., after New York City. The name…

Los Gigantes Buttes, Arizona

This geologic feature consists of large, craggy, sandstone buttes located almost midway between Chinle and Lukachukai on the Navajo Reservation in Apache County in…