Browse by Title: M

medicine pouch

Also called a medicine bundle, a medicine pouch is a traditional Native American container for various items that have totemic, spiritual, or supernatural power. The…


Growing on vines in warm regions, the melon originated in central Asia and is prized for its edible, fleshy fruit. The genus melon (Cucumis melo) is in the gourd…


An object, usually small and personal, that is kept for sentimental value as a representation or reminder of a person, place, or past event.

Memphis State, TN

The largest university in Memphis, Tennessee, and a leading research institution in the state as well as its surrounding states of Arkansas and Mississippi. The…

Mercedes convertible

Mercedes is a German manufacturer of top-end luxury vehicles. Convertibles are iconic automobiles that bring together the freedom of mobility with the expansiveness…


A chemical element which at room temperature appears as a silvery metal in liquid state. In nature, it can mostly be found in droplet form in cinnabar (mercury…


A breed of sheep, originally from Spain, with fine crimped wool that is often used to make light sweaters. Merino sheep are medium sized sheep with very wooly faces.…


A flat-topped hill or plateau of rock with one or more steep sides, usually rising abruptly from a surrounding plain. Commonly found in arid environments, mesas are…

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

A national park located in southwestern Colorado covering a broad cultural landscape that includes numerous prehistoric cliff dwellings.In 1906, President Theodore…


Mesquite is a spiny, desert legume which grows in two forms: a low-to-the-ground prickly shrub and a tree that grows up to fifty feet tall. Mesquite grows in thickets…


Also referenced as a meal stone by Hillerman, a metate is a slab of rock with either a concave or flat surface that is used for manually grinding grain, ochre, or other…

meter maid

A law enforcement attendant who monitors street parking or parking lots, and issues tickets and fines for vehicles that violate parking regulations. The term refers…

Mexican standoff

The term was initially used to describe a confrontation between three individuals, each of whom had a gun. In a duel, which occurs between two individuals, the person…

Mexican Water chapter house, Teec Nos Pos, Arizona

Located in Teec Nos Pos, near the crossroads, of U.S. Highways 191 and 160.

A chapter house is a meeting place for Navajo people…

Mexican Water, Arizona

A small community on the Navajo Nation Reservation off of US Highway 160 at a steep rocky crossing of Chinle Wash near Dinnehotso. Mexican Water has a trading post and…


Mexico is a federal republic that borders the United States to the south. The Mexican states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, and Coahuila de Zaragoza share…


A shiny, variously colored, often transparent mineral commonly found as flakes or even sheets in granite and other sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.


An archival, or preservation and storage, medium in which written material, such as official or personal letters, newspapers, and other printed ephemera, are…

Middle Place

The Zuni phrase Halona I'tawana translates as the "Middle Place," and was so named by the Zuni because of its significance as the temporal, spatial, and ceremonial…

Middle Way

Middle Way is another term used for the Navajo Way, hózhǫ́, the spiritual and philosophical intention of keeping one's life in balance and peace. Equilibrium is the key…


Movement from one place to another. In the natural world, groups of animals, including humans, migrate together, undertaking often difficult journeys due to seasonal…

military intelligence

The discipline of collecting, analyzing, and utilizing information, or intelligence, gathered from an enemy state or region. This kind of information gathering and…

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The largest city in the state of Wisconsin, Milwaukee is located in the southeastern corner of the state, on the shore of Lake Michigan. The region was inhabited by…


A very expensive coat made out of mink pelt. Mink is a small, semiaquatic, carnivorous mammal known for its soft, lustrous fur. Native to Europe and North America,…

Mishongnovi, Arizona

Also known as Second Mesa, and sometimes spelled Mishongovi, Mishongnovi is one of three villages located on Second Mesa within the network and community of the Hopi…