Night Way


    Also known as the Night Chant, the Night Way is one of the most commonly performed ceremonials in the Navajo tradition. The Night Way (Yébîchai in Navajo) is a healing ceremony that lasts for nine days and nights and is performed only in the winter months. Specifically, the Night Way is meant to restore balance, health, and equilibrium for those suffering from paralysis, blindness, and deafness, although it can also be performed to restore social and natural order between the supplicant and the natural environment. In essence, the Night Chant, as with most Navajo healing ceremonials, endeavors to to ameliorate strained relations between Man and the Universe, thereby restoring order, balance, harmony, and health.

    The ritual, perhaps the most complex in the Navajo repertoire of healing chants, includes praying, sacred dancing, pollen blessing, and sandpainting. The singer, or spiritual leader of the ceremony, must recite specific healing chants that are intended to provoke a meditative trance or to create the aural context for the ceremonial. Such chants are often comprised of repeated phrases and can be thought of as sung prayers.

    Photo Credit

    "Navajo sandpainting, negative made from postcard" by J.R. Willis, Gallup, N.M. Kodaks-Art Goods is licensed under CC BY.

    Term Type

    Annenberg Learner
         2016   Healing Arts: The Navajo Night Chant (Nightway). Native Voices.
   , accessed May 25,

    Hill, Willard Williams
         1938   Agricultural and Hunting Methods of the Navaho Indians. New Haven: Yale
             University Press .

    Kluckhohn, Clyde, and Wyman C. Leland
         1940   An Introduction to Navajo Chant Practice: With An Account of the Behaviors
             Observed in Four Chants. In American Anthropological Association Memoirs 1936-40.
             E.S.A.L. Spier, ed. Pp. 13, Vol. 46. Menasha, WI.

    Matthews, Washington
         1995   The Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. eBook.
             Community College Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost, accessed February 19, 2015.

    Reichard, Gladys Amanda
         1950   Navaho Religion: A Study of Symbolism. New York: Bollinger Foundation.

    Tozzer, Alfred Marston
         1908   Note on Star-Lore among the Navajos. Journal Of American Folk-Lore. Boston:
             Published for the American Folk-lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin, and Co.