prayer plumes


    Prayer plumes are feathers that are attached to prayer sticks for a variety of rituals, ceremonies, and devotions specific to a number of pueblo and Southwestern tribes, including the Zuni and Hopi. These feathers are usually fastened with cotton string to a short stick, ranging between 6- and 12-inches in length, that is also painted with very specific patterns and colors depending upon the ritual or prayer being performed. The prayer sticks, decorated with their prayer plumes, can be placed to mark a sacred site, or are left as offerings and signs of appeasement. Sometimes, the term "prayer plume" is used interchangeably with the term "prayer stick" and its Hopi translation, "paho."

    Photo Credit

    Laguna Pueblo (Ka'waika) prayer sticks with plume, late 19th century. Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with funds given by Herman Stutzer, 10.229.16a-b is licensed under CC BY.

    Term Type

    Bunzel, Ruth Leah
         1932   Introduction to Zuni Ceremonialism. 47th Annual Report of the Bureau of American
             Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

    Stephen, Alexander MacGregor
         1969   Hopi Journal of Alexander M. Stephen. New York: AMS Press.

    Stevenson, Matilda Cox
         1904   The Zuni Indians: Their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies. 23rd
             Annual Report of the U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: Government
             Printing Office.

    Wyman, Leland Clifton
         1970   Blessingway. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.