Talking God


    Also known as Talking God to Be One, Soft Talker, or Dawn Bearer (hastseyalti, yeibeichai), Talking God is a main Navajo deity. One of the four Holy People who live in the mountains, Talking God is associated with the color white, acts as a mentor, guides human life, helps Changing Woman give birth to and prepare the Monster Slayer Twins for their fateful battles, and can travel on rainbows. He plays a very large role in the Navajo creation story, helping create First Man and First Woman among other things .

    Talking God is also known for his compassion, being one of the few deities in the Navajo cosmology who is a constant advocate on behalf of The People, which is how the Navajo, or Diné, refer to themselves.

    Photo Credit

    "The storm, July 20, 2006" by Wolfgang Staudt is licensed under CC BY.

    Term Type

    Downs, James F.
         1972   Navajo. Case Studies In Cultural Anthropology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and

    Haile, Berard
         1943   Origin Legend Of The Navaho Flintway. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press.

    Newcomb, Franc Johnson, Stanley A. Fishler, and Mary C. Wheelwright
         1956   Study Of Navajo Symbolism. Papers. Cambridge: The Museum.

    Reichard, Gladys Amanda
         1950   Navaho Religion: A Study Of Symbolism. New York: Bollinger Foundation.

    Wyman, Leland Clifton
         1983   Navajo Ceremonial System. Handbook Of North American Indians. Southwest.
             Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution.