Date Published
Publication Details
서울, Seoul : 고려원, Koreaone Press, 1993.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the first Korean edition of A Thief of Time. This edition was published in 1993 by Koreanone Press in Seoul, South Korea. The text was translated from Tony Hillerman's original English to Korean by Dong-Hyun Jang. The cover art is not credited but depicts the Kokopelli figures which is present on many covers from A Thief of Time. Included with this edition is a letter from the publisher and a decorative partial paper-wrap.
- Title Page Transcription: A THIEF OF TIME | 시간의도둑 | [rule] | 토니 힐러앤/장동현 옮김 | [publisher's logo]
- Contents: [1-4] blank, [5] title, [6] copyright, [7] acknowledgments, dedication, and Author's Note, [8-9] map, [10] list of characters and brief description of Navajo culture, 11-321 text, [322] blank, 323-325 Translator's note, [326] Brief Hillerman biography and a note about the translator, [327] colophon, [328] blank
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 22.5 x 15.1 cm.
- Binding: Full-colored pasteboard covers with the image of a ceramic vessel, the title, the author, and the publisher's logo printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [1-10] 11-321 [322-328]
- Price: 5,000 원 [Won]