コヨーテは待つ Koyōte wa matsu==Coyote Waits [Japanese, paperback, 1993]
コヨーテは待つ Koyōte wa matsu==Coyote Waits [Japanese, paperback, 1993]
Tōkyō: Hayakawa Publishing INC, 1993.
This is the first Japanese paperback version of Coyote Waits. This edition was published in 1993 by Hayakawa Publishing INC in Tōkyō, Japan. This edition is also associated with the Mysterious Press, which is a trademark of Warner Brothers, INC. and was used by Hayakawa Publishing, INC. with permission. Tony Hillerman's original English text was translated into Japanese by Tadao Oba. The cover design features the repeated image of a coyote petroglyph (rock art).
The edition is written in Japanese kanji. Due to the fact that Japanese is read right to left the novel is printed right to left.
- Title Page Transcription: 〈ミステリアス・プレス文庫68〉 | 卜二イ・ヒラ―マソ | 大庭 忠男=訳 | コヨーテは待つ | COYOTE WAITS | 3423 | [rule] | [publisher's logo] | THE MYSTERIOUS PRESS | Tokyo
- Contents: [i] title page, [ii] copyright, [1] dedication, [2] statement of fiction, [3] half title コヨーテは待つ, [4] list of characters, 5-312 text, [313] blank, [314-319] Mysterious Press advertisements, [320] colophon
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 15 x 10.7.
- Binding: Two-tone gray paper covers printed in black and white. The publisher's logo, title, author, and publisher are printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [i-ii] [1-4] 5-312 [313-320]
- Price: 560 円 [Yen]