The Fly on the Wall [Paperback, 1990]

The Fly on the Wall [Paperback, 1990]



Date Published: 
Publication Details: 

New York : Harper Paperbacks, 1990.

ISBN Number: 


Edition Notes: 

This is the first Harper Paperbacks edition of The Fly on the Wall. It includes a chapter from the (then) forthcoming work by Tony Hillerman, Listening Woman at the end of the book. There is also a black and white photograph of Tony Hillerman by Barney Hillerman reproduced on the inside of the back cover, with an accompanying biographical note.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    TONY HILLERMAN | [rule with graphic logo] | THE FLY ON THE WALL | [publisher's logo] | [rule] | Harper & Row Publishers, New York | Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco | London, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto
  • Contents:
    [i] advertisement, [ii] books by Tony Hillerman, [iii] title page, [iv] imprint, copyright, printing run, [v] author's note, [vi] blank, [vii] fly title page, [viii] blank, 1-338 text, [339] divisional title page for chapter of Listening Woman, [340] blank, 341-353 text of Listening Woman, [354] blank, [355-360] advertisements.
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 17.3 x 10.5 cm.
    • Binding: Laminated card stock with embossed, full color cover art by Peter Thorpe. The Harper Paperbacks logo and ISBN are printed on the inside front cover, and there is a black and white photo of Tony Hillerman (Photo Credit: Barney Hillerman) on the inside back cover.
    • Collation: [i-viii] 1-338 [339-340] 341-353 [354-360].
    • Price: 4.95 USD