People of Darkness (1980)

People of Darkness (1980)


A humorous tone that is skeptical, disdainful, or intentionally mocking.


The term describes a built structure that, rather than standing alone, is attached to another building. In residential homes, for example, a semi-detached garage is separate from and yet connected to the main house by a wall, a walkway, or a breezeway.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the United States’ national security and law enforcement agency, which conducts intelligence-driven investigations of terrorism, counterintelligence, public corruption, fraud, and large scale theft, violent crime, cybercrime, and organized crime. The agency belongs to the Unites States Department of Justice, and its headquarters is located in Washington D.C. There are also local FBI offices in different states. For example, the New Mexico division of the FBI is located in Albuquerque, giving agents access to the area’s various Native American reservations, to which the FBI has access under the Major Crimes. The New Mexico division is frequently referenced in Hillerman's fiction, often as a cause for tension between Navajo police, local state police, and FBI agents all involved in the process of solving a crime.


A social, cultural, and political category that refers to the "dominant" culture of the U.S., a category primarily understood as a racial construction that expresses the legacies of Western European hegemony. Many critiques of "whiteness" exist. General analysis suggests that whiteness has functioned since the early Enlightenment period in Europe (the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries) as an expression of increasingly dogmatic, or strict, white supremacist, patriarchal, heteronormative, and classed biases. Although since at least the 1960s critical racial and comparative ethnic frameworks, in addition to versions of feminist and queer theories, have challenged the privileges that have inhered in "whiteness," critical indigenous critiques comprise a burgeoning field of scholarship and activism that also challenge the colonial settler histories and contemporary practices associated with whiteness.


A mixture of rain and snow. The term also refers to small hailstones that occur when raindrops freeze in the air, as well as to the accumulation of clear ice on objects.

Season when the Thunder Sleeps

In traditional Navajo stories about Grandmother Spider, the figure who taught weaving to First Woman, the Season when the Thunder Sleeps refers to Winter and Spring when there are no thunderstorms. It is during this time that the Navajo believe it is safe to speak of dangerous spirits. This means that the Season when Thunder Sleeps is the only time that certain teachings, healings, and ceremonials can occur, because to participate in these events at other times would be dangerous and inappropriate.


Not capable of inducing disease.


A group of anaerobic bacteria that is potentially pathogenic, or disease-causing, for humans and other warm-blooded animals. Certain types of Salmonella may develop in food or water and when ingested can cause gastrointestinal inflammation, typhoid fever, or septicemia.


An informal reference to persons who habitually ignore or violate the law, especially in regard to paying fines or debts.

tow truck

A truck with special equipment on the back of it designed to move or haul away vehicles.


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