Teec Nos Pos, Arizona


    Teec Nos Pos is a small community located six miles southeast of the Four Corners Monument in Apache County, Arizona. Teec Nos Pos has shifted north from its original location, closer to the Junction of U.S. Highway 160 and 64. The community is composed of a trading post, a chapter house, and a school. The Navajo name for this community is T’iis Názbad which means “cottonwoods in a circle.”

    Photo Credit

    "Teec Nos Pos Post Office" by Jimmy Emerson is licensed under CC BY.


    Linford, Laurance D.
         2001   Tony Hillerman's Navajoland: Hideouts, Haunts, and Havens in the Joe Leaphorn
             and Jim Chee Mysteries. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.