Langennut Mies==The Fallen Man [Finnish, hardcover, 1998]



Date Published
Publication Details

Helsinki: Otava, 1998.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the 1998 Finnish version of The Fallen Man, published in Helsinki by Otava in 1998. Translated from English by Ilkka Rekiaro.

This is a hardcover book with no dust cover. The cover art is by Peter Thorpe from the original English language edition of the novel. The design features a pictorial representation of a Navajo Yei figure in front of an upside down triangle with feathers hanging from the sides.

The back cover is beige, with a black band extending over from and along the spine. The Crime Club logo is at the top, above a synopsis of the novel and brief author biography, with the barcode and the publisher's name at the bottom.

  • Title Page Transcription: Crime Club | TONY | HILLERMAN | [rule] | LANGENNUT | MIES | Suomentanut Ilkka Rekiaro | Otava logo | HELSINGISSÄ KUSTANNUSOSAKEYHTIÖ OTAVA
  • Contents: [1] half title LANGENNUT MIES, [2] blank, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] dedication, [6] blank, [7] acknowledgements, [8] blank, [9]-236 text, [237] Tony Hillerman biography and photo, [238] Crime Club book list, [239-240] blank
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Hardcover, 21.5 x 13.5 cm
    • Binding: Glossy coated boards. On the spine, the Crime Club logo is printed in red on a black background, above the author's name and title printed in white.
    • Collation: [1]-[240]
    • Price: Price not given

CSWR A18, 1998