Dzilidushzhinih Peaks, Arizona


    Part of the large Black Mesa mountainous area of the Navajo Indian Reservation in northeastern Arizona, the Dzilidushzhinih Peaks appear to be the same as Little Black Spot Mountain, located about five miles southwest of the small village of Piñon, Arizona. In Navajo, "Dzil Dah Zhin" means Black Speck Mountain.

    Photo Credit

    "The eastern edge of Black Mesa, west of Chilchinbito, Arizona, August 19, 2008" by Doc Searls is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Linford, Laurance D.
         2001   Tony Hillerman's Navajoland: Hideouts, Haunts, and Havens in the Joe Leaphorn
              and Jim Chee Mysteries. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.