Little Black Spot Mountain, Arizona


    Little Black Spot Mountain (also known as Little Black Spot Mesa), is the peak of a mesa coming off of the larger Black Mesa in the Navajo Nation, Arizona. The mountain is a little over 7,000 feet tall and the closest town is Pinon, Arizona.

    Photo Credit

    "Black Mesa, South of Kayenta, Arizona, June 23, 2014" by Ken Lund is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

         2015   Little Black Spot Mountain in Navajo County AZ.
   ,ftc,1,fid,7071,n,lit…, accessed
             March 23, 2015.

    Linford, Laurance D.
         2001   Tony Hillerman's Navajoland: Hideouts, Haunts, and Havens in the Joe Leaphorn
              and Jim Chee Mysteries. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.

         N.d.   Little Black Spot Mountain.,
             accessed March 23, 2015.