The Navajos as Seen Through Hillerman's Characters

This master's thesis by Hélène Le Goff, published by Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Sociales Victor Segalen, Département d'Anglais.

The Blessing Way, Edited Manuscript.

This final version of the manuscript includes written notes and comments from the editor as well as Hillerman's responses. Written well before the popularization of email, it is apparent that this manuscript was exchanged several times between the author and the editor via regular mail, as there are initial editorial comments, then responses from the editor, and then further responses from the author all throughout the text.

Lobo Living Room: Anne Hillerman

Anne Hillerman speaks about her first novel "Spider Woman's Daughter" at the November 14, 2013 Lobo Living Room event sponsored by the University of New Mexico Alumni Association.

KSFR Radio Interview with Kevin Comerford

Kevin Comerford describes the Tony Hillerman
Portal project in this Radio Interview with Charles Maynard of KSFR Radio, Santa Fe. June 21, 2013.

Tony Hillerman Abroad : An Annotated Checklist of Foreign Language Editions

This pamphlet-sized work is an list of the known foreign language editions of Tony Hillerman's works, it greatly expands upon Hieb's earlier pamphlet, "Fifty Foreign Firsts." This bibliography was published as a limited edition of 75 copies

Tony Hillerman Bibliography (

A collection of lists of Hillerman's works on various websites.

Tony Hillerman (Wikipedia Entry)

This wikipedia entry for Tony Hillerman provides a very good, concise biography as well as a comprehensive list of his works.

Talking Mysteries : A Conversation with Tony Hillerman

Examines the craft of mystery writing, including an autobiographical piece of Hillerman, a Jim Chee mini-mystery, and an interview by Ernie Bulow.

Tony Hillerman : A Public Life

This biography is concise (128 pp.) and contains a variety of interesting photographs of both Tony Hillerman and some of the settings for his novels.

Collecting Tony Hillerman : A Checklist of the First Editions

This annotated bibliography lists Hillerman's first editions up through 1991. Each entry includes data on the format of the edition, first edition markings, list and market price as of 1992.


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